In Responsible Parties you can add, edit, or delete any individual who is financially responsible for a student. The grid view will display each Responsible Party Code, Name, Active Status, and Actions.

You can print or download a list of Responsible Parties using the printer or Excel icons on the right, above the grid view.

The grid view will display the first 15 Responsible Parties by default, and any additional responsible party will be displayed in separate pages. There is a count for how many responsible parties are available and how many are being displayed on the page out of those available. The arrows can be used to move between pages.

You can search for Responsible Parties using their Code or Name.

You can also search by toggling the Active status to All, Yes, or No. All will show All Responsible Parties whether they are active or not. Yes will show only those Responsible Parties that ARE active. No will show only those Responsible Parties that are NOT Active.

To add a Responsible Party, click on the Add Responsible Party button on the top right. Here you can add the Responsible Party’s Full Name and click the Active checkbox. The contact tab allows us to fill out their address and contact email. Click Save and close to save and return to the Responsible Parties page.

Import – This is where you would import responsible parties from a CSV file. This would be useful if you have a list of all the responsible parties and want to import all at once. This process has four steps:
- Select File – On this step you can browse your computer for the CSV file to be imported. There are two blue hyperlinks where you can download a template CSV file with the correct headings prepared for import and specifications for formatting of an import file. Next will advance you to the next step of the import process and Cancel will cancel the process without saving any progress.

- Verification – On this step you can verify the data that will be imported. If you scroll to the right there is a message column that allows you do see if you have an error. Next will advance you to the next step of the import process.

- Processing – This step will execute the import of responsible party very quicky.
- Completed – On this step you will receive a success message once the import is completed. Done button on the bottom right will close the import wizard and return to the Responsible Party screen.

The action buttons in the Action column allow you to Edit, Delete, or View a Responsible Party.

To edit a Responsible Party, click on the Edit icon under Actions. Here you can edit the Responsible Party’s Full Name and click the Active checkbox. Click Save and Close to save and return to the Responsible Parties page.

To delete a Responsible Party, click on the Delete icon under Actions. The Responsible Party’s name will appear for confirmation on the top left of the screen, if you wish to Delete, click Yes. You will receive an error if you are deleting a Responsible Party that is setup with a student.

To View a Responsible Party, click on the View icon. In Responsible Party View you can see the Responsible Party’s Name, and Code in the shaded top area. There is 2 tabs: Students and Information.

Student tab – Students will list all students that this responsible party has been setup as a financially responsible as in the Student View screen.

Information tab – Information will allow the name and personal information to be updated for the responsible party, including, the Enable Paperless option to set the responsible party up to receive emailed invoices and statements when a valid email is setup and the check box is marked.