In Global Billing Rates you can add, or delete global billing rates. Global Billing Rates are rates that are applied to all students regardless of their grade or rate category. Registration Fee is an example of a Global Billing Rate where it is applied to everyone. The grid view will display each Global Billing Rate Name, Frequency, and Rate.

You can print or download a list of Global Billing Rates using the printer or Excel icons on the right, above the grid view.

The grid view will display the first 15 Global Billing Rates, and any additional Global Billing Rates will be displayed in separate pages. There is a count for how many Global Billing Rates are available and how many are being displayed on the page out of those available. The arrows can be used to move between pages.

To add a Global Billing Rate, either click the Search icon or type a name into the Search bar. Click on the Billing Rate you want and click the Add icon next to the Search bar to add to the Global Billing Rates.

This list is populated by those made in Billing Rates.

The action button in the Actions column allows you to Delete a Global Billing Rate.

To Delete a Global Billing Rate, click on the Delete icon under Actions. The Global Billing Rate name will appear for confirmation on the top left of the screen, if you wish to Delete, click Yes.