In Billing Rate Conditions you can add, edit, or delete billing rate conditions. Billing Rate Conditions can be used to setup any different kind of discount or variation on the charge of the existing Billing Rates. These Billing Rate Conditions rely on internal system formulas to determine who they should apply to. A common example is a multiple child discount where the second or third (or more) child receives a discount on Tuition and this can be setup for those. The birth order in student setup helps with this. 

You will need to finish the setup in the Billing Rate screen when creating a new Billing Rate in the Billing Rate Condition Tab. 

You can print or download a list of the Billing Rates Condition using the printer or Excel icons on the right, above the grid view.

The grid view will display the first 15 Rate Conditions by default, and additional Billing Rate Conditions will be displayed in separate pages, There is a count for how many Billing Rate Conditions are available and how many are being displayed on the pages out of those available. The arrows can be used to move between pages.

You can search Billing Rate Conditions using their Name.

To add a Billing Rate Condition, click Add Billing Rate Condition on the top right. Here you can add the Rate Condition’s Code, Name, and Description. On the Accounting tab add the Account, and Department. For the Formula tab, currently used primarily for multi child discount or prepaid tuition or registration found on the student View screen.

Formulas (feel free to copy and paste in the formula tab):

  • For 2nd Student in Family:
    • student.SiblingBirthOrder == 2
  • For 3rd Student in Family:
    • student.SiblingBirthOrder == 3
  • For 4th Student in Family:
    • student.SiblingBirthOrder == 4
  • To apply a discount when tuition is prepaid:
    • student.WasPrepaidTuition
  • To apply a discount for early registration:
    • student.WasPaidEarlyRegistration

There are plans to add additional condition formula options as needed for users.

In the Student View screen, the tab for Student Information displays the Payment for Prepaid Registration and Prepaid Tuition, that will populate if the formula is used.

The action buttons in the Actions column allow you to Edit or Delete a Billing Rate Condition.

To Edit a Billing Rate Condition, click on the Edit icon under Actions. Click Save and Close to save and return to Billing Rate Condition screen.

To Delete a Billing Rate Condition, click on the Delete icon under Actions. The Rate Condition’s name will appear for confirmation on the top of the screen, if you wish to Delete, click Yes. You will receive an error if you are deleting a Billing Rate Condition that is setup in a current Billing Rate.