In Funds you are able to view funds that are included in the system. Funds are a self balancing grouping of accounts and departments. The grid view will display each Funds code, and name as well as if it accepts entries.

You can print or download a list of funds using the printer or excel icons on the right above the grid view.

You can search for funds using their code or name.

There is a chart report you can run to display the funds by clicking Chart then Print. This report will give you a listing of all funds

The Seventh-day Adventist Accounting Manual defines Funds in the following manner:
402.03 Funds – Funds are large groups of accounts that have all the necessary elements of a self balancing ledger; assets, liabilities, net assets, revenue, and expenses. Regardless of how many funds are used, each one must follow the principle of being a self-balancing ledger.