In Departments you are able to view, add, edit, and delete departments that are included in the system. Departments are semi standardized for all organizations and the standardized departments cannot be deleted but they can be made inactive if not being used. Departments are used to group income and expense accounts together and the ending net balance in each department carries forward through each year. Departments can be added using the Add Department Wizard which guides you through assigning a parent department and then auto assigns the department code accordingly. The grid view will display each departments Code, Name and if they Accept Entries, and are Active or Locally Funded.

You can print or download a list of departments using the printer or excel icons on the right above the grid view.

You can search for departments using their code or name and you can filter using the Accept Entries, Active, and Locally Funded status.

There is a chart report you can run to display the departments by clicking the down arrow next to Chart then Print. This report will give you a listing in a formatted way of the departments 

You may use the Bulk Actions by selecting multiple departments and then selecting to Activate, Deactivate, or Invert Selection to change their status in bulk.

There are action buttons on the right for each department to edit or delete the departments; however, you may not delete a standard department or one that already has entries or documents issued from it, but you can make them inactive by selecting it individually then edit button or using the Bulk Actions shown above.

When adding a new department there is a wizard which will help guide in the process. This is designed to help simplify creating a department by allowing you to select the parent department based on the type of department this will be. The system will then assign the next department code within that parent selected and you will be able to assign the department name. 

When editing an existing department a screen will display allowing you to populate additional information for the department in the following tabs; Basic, Contact and Description. Each of these tabs has different information that can be helpful. For standardized departments you are not able to update what is in the Basic Tab but you can update what is in the Contact and Description tabs. For non standard departments that you have created you cannot edit the code as that is assigned automatically by the system but you can update the name and whether it can Accept Entries, making it Active or Locally Funded Employees (LFE).  

The Seventh-day Adventist Accounting Manual defines departments (referred to as functions) in the following manner:

402.04 Functions – Functions are groups of accounts that identify and help analyze the financial activity for a specific department, program, or cost center. Functions encompass the activity of committee-allocated funds as well as unallocated funds and other groupings of activity as desired. Each function will contain related accounts for beginning balance, revenue, expenses, and if applicable, transfers, which will allow the system to calculate each function’s ending balance.