The Church Treasury System home screen is designed to provide a quick review of pertinent information for the organization along with shortcuts to commonly used items within the system.
The Header provides a statistical summary with attendance, donors, giving units, and members. This information is pulled from a few places including Church Settings for attendance and membership, and from the donor table as well as the family table for giving units.
The Bank Accounts section will display a summary of the amount within our bank account(s). If we configured more than one in the organization settings both will display separately here.
The Donation section includes menu item shortcuts for adding a weekly donation, continuing a weekly donation, and managing donors.
The Remittance section includes menu item shortcuts for previewing the remittance report and sending remittance.
The Monthly Activities section includes menu item shortcuts for the bank reconciliation, department allocation, and period maintenance.
The Accounting section includes menu item shortcuts for pay bills, making a general entry, and printing checks.
There is a shortcut to download the Adventist Giving ACH detail into a weekly donation.
There are a number of graphs to provide a quick snapshot of some of the common items received and payed in the church; including a Tithe Comparison, an Offering Actual vs Budget Comparison, and a Local Expense Distribution to detail where funds are being spent in your organization.