In Offering Codes, you are able to view all available offering codes in the North American Division list which also includes any World, Division, Union or Conference Offerings. You are also able to add your own offerings for your church. Offerings for the World, Division, Union, or Conference are standardized and cannot be edited but they can be made inactive locally at each church if they are not being used. The grid view will display each Offerings Code, Reference Code, Name, and if they Accept Entries, are Tax Deductible, and are Active.
You can print or download a list of offerings using the printer or excel icons on the right above the grid view.
You can search for offerings using their name or code and you can filter using the Accept Entries, Tax Deductible, and Active status.
You may use the Bulk Actions by selecting multiple offerings and then selecting to Activate, Deactivate, or Invert Selection to change their status in bulk.
There are action buttons on the right for each offering to edit or delete the offering; however, you may not delete an offering that already has entries that is standardized, but you can make them inactive.
When adding a new offering or editing an existing offering a screen will display allowing you to populate additional information for the offering in the following tabs; Basic, Accounting, and Description. The codes of offerings are automatically assigned by the system using the next highest number and will always be under the Parent 8 – Local Church Offerings as World, Division, Union, & Conference offerings will all be setup and released to churches using the Chart Sync screen. In the Accounting Tab you will select what Account, Subaccount, and Department the offering should flow into. The recommended setup is to choose an existing department or set one up if needed first and then to use the Account 635100 with the churches Subaccounts but there are a number of accounts available to select from as needed.